Let’s keep each other safe

We update our guidelines in accordance with the recommendations and the situation. See the latest situation here!
A strong recommendation was given at 4.10. to the Vaasa region to use masks in all public spaces due to increase in coronavirus cases (read more information).
The first recommendation was given just a few weeks ago, and we have followed this recommendation since then. However, with this stronger recommendation, we wanted to highlight how we can all work together to make spending time and training at Wasa Up as safe as possible, even in such a challenging time.
To make us all feel safer:
- We limit the number of customers in our premises to 15 persons at a time.
- Most of the courses and classes in our premises are paused until 26.10. Please see the calendar for schedule and booking.
- We strongly recommend using facial mask in our premises whenever it does not prevent adequate oxygen supply during training. Disposable masks can also be purchased at our cashier.
- Please stay home if you have even the slightest symptoms of flu. Staff have the right to turn away a person who has symptoms.
- Keep a safe distance of 1-2 m to others whenever possible. Remember the mask if maintaining the distance is not possible.
- Wash and disinfect your hands thoroughly when you arrive, during your stay and when you leave.
Our most quiet hours are naturally outside the opening hours If you are a member, you can train in our premises at any time between 05:00 and 23:45. We highly recommend to use this advantage at the moment!
Thank you for taking care of your own safety as well as the safety of others. See you on the walls!
Best regards:
Johannes, Stefan, Linda, Andreas, Sampa, Maria, Ande, Jan, Jenna, Huhtis, Timo, Therese, Ann-Sofie, Amanda, Henna, Lasse and Benjamin